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Posts tagged as “Asa Moseley”

Sermoncast – Second Chance, Four Questions, Our God Is Able

Mt Carmel Primitive Baptist Church
Mt Carmel Primitive Baptist Church
Sermoncast - Second Chance, Four Questions, Our God Is Able

Elder Steve Aquino opens the service in prayer and follows with a message from John 11, “The Second Chance”

[8:00] Elder Asa Moseley followed with a message from Romans 8, “Four Questions Asked”

[20:50] Elder Steven Bloyd closed the service with a message from Daniel 3, “Our God IS Able”

Sermoncast – The Value of Christ, Cast Your Bread

Mt Carmel Primitive Baptist Church
Mt Carmel Primitive Baptist Church
Sermoncast - The Value of Christ, Cast Your Bread

Elder Moseley inquires of us, “How Much Do You Value Christ?” – Psalm 119, and Elder Bloyd teaches that when we place Christ & His Kingdom first, blessings will result – Ecclesiastes 11. Messages delivered Sunday, September 18, 2016 at Mt Carmel Primitive Baptist Church, Bel Air, Maryland.

Sermoncast – Glad Tidings

Mt Carmel Primitive Baptist Church
Mt Carmel Primitive Baptist Church
Sermoncast - Glad Tidings

Elder Moseley shares Glad Tidings from The Gospel of Mark, Chapter 1. Message delivered Sunday, September 11, 2016 at Mt Carmel Primitive Baptist Church, Bel Air, Maryland.

By Request – 2 Corinthians 4

Mt Carmel Primitive Baptist Church
Mt Carmel Primitive Baptist Church
By Request - 2 Corinthians 4

In our first “By Request” episode, Elder Moseley teaches about Conversion, Regeneration and Sanctification, in two brief messages from 2 Corinthians 4.

By Request is a special edition of the Mt Carmel Primitive Baptist podcast, featuring sermons pre-dating the podcast.  If you have a message that stirs your soul, and you would like to see it featured on the podcast, send an email to MtCarmelPBChurch @, with the subject “By Request Podcast”. Include the date, preacher and subject, to help us identify the audio file.